I purchased this tote to use for my baby. She is 9m old now & I wanted something that was open and won’t squish her crackers etc. The quality is amazing, the internal pockets are big enough for a bottle and thermos and the other for things like sunscreen and nappy balm! Overall 10/10.
Love it!
This bag is super cute! Colour is lovely, and it is really practical. Great for everyday use
Molly Lock
Amazing bag
Love this bag! Colour, sizing everything
Olivia Gossip
Ava (pink) - great nappy bag!
Was using another more expensive brand of neoprene bag as a nappy bag but saw this gorgeous pink one and gave it a try. It’s great! Such pretty colours, really strong comfy straps, and it fits my ToteSavvy Deluxe nappy bag organiser in it. Thank you!!
Rheann Stephens
Great universal bag
I was looking for a bag that looks good and fits everything for all sorts of occasions and finally found it! Great bag to be able to go from work to sport!
Friendly customer service and speedy delivery!
Ordered myself this bag for a Mother’s Day present based off previous reviews. Very happy. Drink bottle sleeve, key clip which is very handy, and enough room for lunch, work stuff, kid stuff etc